Astrological project from Thaya

Monthly forecast

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"Astrology is a pseudo science, through which one is supposed to be able to predict the results of human acts, as well as the future of individuals and whole nations according to the positions of the stars and planets."

(Big Soviet Encyclopedia. 1970)

That's a pretty good definition; in fact, if you take out two words, it's even accurate. Astrology is an interesting "pseudo science", which has existed for over 5 thousand years. During this time, many pseudo sciences and false prophets have come and gone. Many civilizations have blossomed and decayed. But astrology still exists; not only does it exist, it's even growing. People all over the world have admitted to seeking advice from astrologers these include researchers, doctors, celebrities, poets, astronomers, physicists, and government advisors. Many great thinkers of the past studied astrology including: Ptolemy, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Seneca, Kepler, Galileo, and several Popes including John XX, John XXI, Julian II, and Leo X.

Why did so many great thinkers study astrology?

These people didn't study astrology just for fun. Astrology was used to predict wars, the rise and fall of dynasties, world cataclysms and many other "smaller" events. What is the common view of astrology today? Most people know nothing more of astrology than what they read of their sun sign forecast on the "entertainment" page in newspapers and magazines. Some people have had their personal horoscope done by a computer program or have read generic versions in books. Fewer still, have gone to a trained astrologer. Of course, that brings up the question of why one would want to go to an astrologer. It's not necessarily clear how astrology might be useful – in addition, some people may be rather nervous about having their chart done.

Why are you afraid of knowing what your horoscope says?





Фома Аквинский




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